Weekly Insights - Sefer Shemos

Weekly Insights - Sefer Shemos

Over the last ten years of publishing the English translation of the Alshich, many people have mentioned that they prefer fewer questions rather than having to “wade through” what can often be a long piece of Alshich from the original seforim. In the hectic world we live in, we are often busy and simply don’t have the time (or patience) to study the original.

With this in mind, in order to facilitate many people’s requests, we have taken a selection of questions from each sidrah and summarised them on a doubled-sided A4 page so that they are quickly and easily read. We have kept to the original style and format as the books to ensure that questions posed are clearly answered. In doing so, we seek to expand the range of readers who can appreciate the holy Alshich’s insights.

The Alshich gave his weekly sermons in his shul in Tzefas on Shabbos morning to a full-capacity audience, including such luminaries as the Arizal, Rav Yosef Karo, the Mabit, Rav Moshe Cordovero, Rav Shlomo Alkabetz, etc. Now you, too, can be “transported” briefly into his audience and benefit from his words of wisdom.

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Parshas Beshalach - The Purpose of Testing the Jewish People at Marah (PDF)

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